
Kutse: " Meeting of the Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery (SERGS)

Dear Colleagues, The 3rd Meeting of the Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery (SERGS) will be held in Leuven, Belgium from 1-3/9/2011. The program includes: - 6 live operations (gynaecological oncology, sacrocolpopexia, myomectomy, endometrioses, tubal reanastomosis) by world experts - Cadaver robotic demonstration in the auditorium of pelvic anatomy and port placement - Simulation session - All the important latest news on robotic surgery, and a - Nurses one-day program (parallel), - …. If you are interested in the latest developments in gynaecological surgery, you should be in Leuven from 1 to 3 September 2011! For more information on the program and registration, please check the SERGS website: Looking forward to welcome you in Leuven!   Yours Sincerely.   Profesor Ignace Vergote Vice-President SERGS (Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgeons) Local Organiser 3rd SERGS meeting Leuven September 1 – 3rd 2010 Gynecologic Oncology University Hospitals Leuven BE- 3000 Leuven – European Union Tel: +32/16344208 or +32/16344635 Fax: +32/16/344629

Kutse rahvusvahelisel seminarile Vilniuses: "Ultrasound in Gynecology: Practical Aspects"

We would like to invite you to participate and kindly ask you to inform your colleagues at your institution about the International Seminar „Ultrasound in Gynecology: Practical Aspects" The seminar is dedicated for obstetricians, gynecologists, oncologists and radiologists. The event will take place on September 1st, 2011 at Kaunas, Lithuania. Certificates of attendance will be given after the seminar. We also invite You for an early registration. Registration form, preliminary programme and other details about the event are available Please, do not hesitate to contact the LAGD secretariat for any other specific questions. Sincerely, LAGD secretariat Indrė Norvaišaitė Meeting Management & Association Management Company (MMC & AMC) Vilniaus str. 31/ 1-15 LT-01402 Vilnius, Lietuva Tel: +370 5 2000784 Faks: +370 5 2000782 Mob: +370 67123154 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Täpne kava! HPV infektsioon: Immunoloogia, epidemioloogia, profülaktika

Lugupeetud arstid! 30. augustil 2011 toimub Tallinnas Eesti Kolposkoopia Ühingu ja Eesti Infektsioonhaiguste Seltsi ühiskonverents teemal HPV infektsioon : Immunoloogia, epidemioloogia, profülaktika Konverentsi väliskülalisteks on prof. Margaret Stanley ja dr. Mari Nygård Osalejatel on ainulaadne võimalus kuulata Cambridge Ülikooli Epiteeli Bioloogia professori Margaret Stanley loengut HPV patogeneesi , immunoloogia ja vaktsinatsiooni teemadel. Professor Stanley teadustöö uurimisobjektiks on genitaalsete papilloomiviiruste patogenees. Ta on avaldanud 190 teaduslikku publikatsiooni ning on väga kaasahaarav ja suurepärane lektor. Norra Vähiregistri vanemteadur Dr. Mari Nygard on Eesti kuulajale tuttav juba varasematest üritustest. Nüüd on meil meeldiv võimalus kuulata loengut neljavalentse vaktsiini LTFU (long-term follow-up) uuringu tulemustest Skandinaaviamaades ja nendest võimalustest, mida pakub vähiregister teadustööks. Eesti poolseteks esinejateks on palutud prof. Anneli Uusküla, dr. Matti Maimets ja dr. Terje Raud, kes räägivad Eestis teostatud HPV levimusuuringust ja HPV vaktsiini kuluefektiivsuse uuringu käekäigust ning meie Immuniseerimise Ekspertkomisjoni tööst ja emakakaelavähi ennetuse hetkeseisust Eestis. Oleme kutsunud esinema Läti Naistearstide Seltsi juhatuse esimehe prof. Dace Rezeberga, et kuulda HPV vaktsiini immuniseerimskalendrisse juurutamise Läti kogemusest. Konverentsi modereerib prof. Irja Lutsar Loengute algus on planeeritud kell 15:00 Organiseeritakse transport Tartust Tallinnasse ja tagasi. Konverentsi täpne ajakava on koostamisel ja koos selle valmimisega avame regitreerimise. Konverentsi sponsoreerib MSD Eesti. Ootame väga rohket osavõttu. Konverentsi organiseerimiskomitee nimel kaunist puhkuste aega soovides, dr. Lee Padrik

Kutse kongressile: Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy on May 17-20, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Dear Sir/Madam, Society of Estonian Gynaecologists I am writing to you on behalf of the Organizing committee of the 2012 Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP 2012) due to take place on May 17-20, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Continuing the success of the first congress, our goal for the second congress is advancing the knowledge and expertise of health care professionals around the globe by exchanging information, developing collaborative research and upgrading recent guidelines for the management of cardiovascular conditions during pregnancy and the post partal period. The program will include invited lectures, workshops as well as original oral and poster presentations which will cover a wide spectrum of topics in all disciplines related to pregnancy associated cardiovascular conditions, such as anesthesiology, family medicine, hypertension, pain, ultrasound and more. We would appreciate your assistance in enhancing the awareness to this most important congress by adding this link of the congress website to your website or to your event calendar as well as inform your society members and colleagues of this upcoming congress in order to make sure that as many doctors as possible are aware of this opportunity. Considering your positive reply we will provide you the opportunity to publicize your Society and its upcoming events on the CPP Congress website and to distribute your organization's marketing materials at the information desk of the congress. In case you would have a group of people who will be willing to come from your society, there are discounts available for them as well. Please, let me know if this type of collaboration would be possible for you. For further information about the CPP Congress, we invite you to visit the congress website ( Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or require additional information. Looking forward to hearing from you soon With kind regards, Sarah Krein CPP 2012, Marketing and Sales Coordinator Paragon Conventions Tel: +41 22 5330948 Fax: +41 22 5802953 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The 2nd International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP 2012) , Berlin, Germany 17-20 May, 2012

Dear Sir/Madam Society of Estonian Gynaecologists I am writing to you on behalf of the Organizing Committee of The 2nd International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP 2012) which is scheduled to take place in Berlin, Germany from 17-20 May 2012. The Congress will include a scientific program featuring a distinguished panel of speakers. The topics that the Congress deals with are aligned with the activities of your society. Therefore, we would be pleased and honored if you would consider endorsing our meeting. Endorsing our meeting will provide your Society with a number of benefits, including: · The opportunity to publicize your Society and its upcoming events on the congress website. · The opportunity to distribute your organization's marketing materials in either the delegate bags or at the exhibition area. We hope that your society will agree to endorse our congress and work together with us. In addition, we would very much appreciate it if you could inform your society members of this upcoming congress (via mailings, emails, newsletters and so on) as well as posting it on your website (including a link to the congress site). For more information about the Congress, including its topics and committees, we invite you to visit the Congress website: Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or require additional information. We look forward to working with you on this upcoming congress. Best Regards, Sarah Krein International Congresses, Marketing and Sales (ICMS) Paragon-Conventions 18 Avenue Louis-Casai | 1209 Geneva | Switzerland Tel: +41 22 5330 948 | Fax: +41 22 5802 953 | Cell: +972 54 81 01 245

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT! EBCOG kongress Tallinnas 9.-12.mai 2012

Euroopa Sünnitusabi ja Günekoloogia 22. kongress (EBCOG, European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) toimub Tallinnas 09-12. mail 2012.a. Teeside esitamise tähtaeg on jaanuar 2012.a. Sellisel tasemele kongress toimub esimest korda Eestis. Aktiivne osavõtt on väga oodatud. Palun levitage infot kongressi kohta. First announcement´i trükiseid saab Eve Annovi käest. Lisan e-versiooni ja samuti posteri. Kongressi info: . Teadusprogrammi kokkupanemisega tegeletakse, täpsema kava selgub septembriks 2011. EBCOGi korralduskomitee nimel Helle Karro

Ravimid ja reisimine - info Ravimiametilt.

Seoses viimase aja meediakajastusega just narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ravimitega reisimise teemadel, on Ravimiamet saanud tagasisidet nii arstidelt kui kodanikelt, et arstid on antud teemal infopuuduses. Lähtudes Maksu- ja Tolliameti andmetest, on Ravimiameti luba vajavaid juhtumeid tunduvalt rohkem, kui on Ravimiametile esitatud taotlusi lubade saamiseks. Seega soovib Ravimiamet Teie abiga juhtida arstide tähelepanu Ravimiameti veebilehelt leitavale informatsioonile. Lühikokkuvõte arstidele narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ravimitega reisimisest on leitav Ravimiameti veebilehelt: ning pisut pikem kodanikele mõeldud kokkuvõte kogu ravimitega reisimise temaatikast: Üldisem juhend kodanikele Schengeni tunnistuse taotlemisest: Narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete nimekirjad on leitavad sotsiaalministri 18.05.2005. a määrus nr 73 "Narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete meditsiinilisel ja teaduslikul eesmärgil käitlemise ning sellealase arvestuse ja aruandluse tingimused ja kord ning narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete nimekirjad" lisas 1: Arvestades, et Teie eriala arstid puutuvad enam kokku just pikaajaliselt kasutatavate hormoonravimitega (raseduse vältimiseks ja hormoonasendusraviks), ning kaasavõetavate pakendite arv võib ületada 5 jaemüügipakendit, siis toon eraldi välja taotlusel nõutavad andmed. Ravimiameti loa saamiseks tuleb kodanikul esitada vabas vormis taotlus, kus on järgmised andmed: 1. taotleja nimi ja kontaktandmed (aadress, kontakttelefon); 2. andmed lähte- või sihtriigi kohta; 3. ravimite nimekiri (ravimi nimetus, toimeaine sisaldus ja ravimvorm, pakendi suurus ja pakendite koguarv); 4. retseptiravimite puhul arsti teatis ravimite vajaduse kohta. Arsti teatis võib olla vabas vormis ja soovitavalt inglisekeelne, et kodanik saaks seda kasutada vajadusel ka sihtriigis. Palume Teie abi kirja edastamisel Eesti Naistearstide Seltsi liikmetele. Küsimuste korral pöörduge kindlasti Ravimiameti poole, meie üldtelefoni number on 7 374 140 ning e-posti aadress This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Lugupidamisega ja ette tänades, Eda Lopato Sisse- ja väljaveo ning narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ainete büroo juhataja Ravimiamet Nooruse 1 50411 Tartu E-post: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +372 7 374 140 Faks: +372 7 374 142

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists kutse (International Conference in Athens from 27 to 30 September 2011).

Dear Colleague, The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists invites you to attend its next International Conference in Athens from 27 to 30 September 2011. We are pleased to be able to offer an unparalleled opportunity for specialists and trainees to apply for a bursary of up to €1000 towards the cost of attendance; full details are attached. We would be grateful if you could please draw the attention of the members of your National Society to this world-class event. Beryl Stevens Congress Committee Consultant Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London NW1 4RG Saving Mothers' and Infants' Lives through Education Tel no. +44 (0)20 7772 6222 Setting Standards to improve women's health visit our website at  

16.-20. mail 2011 toimub Tartus Reproduktiivmeditsiini ja -bioloogia suvekool.

16.-20. mail 2011 toimub Tartus Reproduktiivmeditsiini ja -bioloogia suvekool. Kursus toimub Tartu Ülikooli Kliinilise meditsiini doktorikooli ( raames. Suvekool on suunatud reproduktiivmeditsiini ja -bioloogia valdkonnaga tegelevatele doktorantidele, residentidele, õppejõududele ning erialaspetsialistidele (sünnitusabi ja günekoloogia, androloogia, geneetika, molekulaardiagnostika, sigimisbioloogia, jt). Suvekooli eesmärgiks on vahendada teadlaste ja kliiniliste erialade spetsialistide teadmisi ning kogemusi järgnevatel teemadel: * mehe ja naise viljakus ning seda määravad tegurid (geneetika, immunoloogia, endokrinoloogia), * implantatsioon ja seda mõjutavad tegurid * embrüoloogia: emaka ja embrüo vahelised seosed * platsentatsioon ja rasedustüsistuste tekkemehhanismid Kursus koosneb loengutest ja praktikumidest, mida viivad läbi oma ala spetsialistid Eestist ja välismaalt. Tänu Kliinilise meditsiini doktorikooli poolsele toetusele on suvekoolist osavõtt tasuta, kuid osavõtjate arv on piiratud. Elamiskulud ja transpordikulud katab osavõtja ise. Kõik kursusel osalejad peavad esitama teesid (uurimistöö kokkuvõte, haigusjuhu ülevaade, jm). Esitatud tööde põhjal valitakse välja viimasel päeval toimuvad suulised ettekanded (15-20 min.). On võimalik osaleda ka ainult loengutel. Täiendav informatsioon suvekooli toimumiskohtade ja täpse ajakava kohta on kättesaadav veebilehel Samas toimub ka registreerumine ja teeside esitamine.

Hiline konverentsipakkumine: 1st Gynecological Surgery Conference THE INAUGURAL MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGICAL SURGERY UPDATE

LIMITED OFFER! INSERT THE FOLLOWING CODE INTO THE BOOKING CART AND GET A 20% DISCOUNT! COUPON CODE: GYN1DIS20 I hope you do not mind me contacting you regarding our upcoming Gynecological Surgery Conference “THE INAUGURAL MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGICAL SURGERY UPDATE CONFERENCE”, which will be held in Washington D.C from the 23rd to 25th of June 2011 at the Hamilton Crowne Plaza hotel and may be of interest to your Society Members. The conference is intended to comprehensively review various concepts of minimally invasive techniques in the field of gynecology and will include intensive hand-on workshops. Our intensive course will offer training and skills required for the safe performance of vaginal hysterectomy and laparoscopic hysterectomy. I believe this would be of interest to many surgeons world-wide. I would be grateful if you help promoting this important event and circulate our below conference flyer to your members and networks. Please note that we have included a 20% discount code for all your networks.