
7th World Congress of the International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP) November 18-20, 2021, in Brussels, Belgium

We cordially invite you to attend The 7th World Congress of the International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP) that will take place November 18-20, 2021, in Brussels, Belgium.

During the last two decades, Fertility Preservation has gained an important role in medicine and clinical patient care and is now at the forefront of medical and basic research in human reproduction.

Fertility Preservation engages multidisciplinary fields of reproductive medicine, oncology, hematology, embryology, andrology, ovary, testis and gamete research, toxicology, psychology, and includes not only scientific researchers and physicians, but also social workers and nurses. All in a united effort to improve the quality of life of young cancer survivors, as well as the quality of life of other patients seeking to postpone reproduction due to medical or non-medical conditions. As such, the demand for Fertility Preservation has dramatically increased.

The aims of this congress are to present and discuss clinical and up-to-date scientific developments in Fertility Preservation; to share protocols and clinical knowledge; to find areas for future multidisciplinary scientific research and clinical collaboration; to spread education and to facilitate Fertility Preservation awareness. This will be achieved by bringing together world leading fertility preservation experts, oncologists, scientists, physicians, embryologists, cryobiologists, nurses, and students as well as other individuals engaged in fertility preservation.

We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels, at our 7th Congress!

On behalf of the ISFP 2021 organizing committee,

Marie-Madeleine Dolmans
ISFP President Elect and 2021 Congress President 

Tugiisikud sünnitusel

Kuni 18.5. (eriolukorra lõpuni) tugiisikuid sünnitusele ei lubata.

Piirangute lõdvendamisest pärast 18.5. annavad sünnitusosakonnad teada oma veebilehe ja FB vahendusel.

Soovime kõigile sünnitajatele tugevat tervist ja rahulikku meelt!

Küsimuste korral julgustame ühendust võtma oma rasedust jälgiva arsti või ämmaemandaga.

Covid 19 ja onkogünekoloogia

Kõigis onkogünekoloogiaga tegelevates raviasutuste PERH, TÜK, ITK, LTKH toimub vähendatud mahus onkoloogiliste patsientide esmane vastuvõtt ja ravi. Patsiente käsitletakse vastavalt Euroopa Onkogünekoloogia Ühingu (ESGO) ja WHO ravijuhistele COVID 19 pandeemia ajal. Lisatud ravijuhis ja raviasutuste kontaktid.



PERH Naistehaiguste polikliinik registratuur   6172 361

Sekretär 6172 317 

Arstide tuba 6172 414 


TÜK registratuur 7319100

kabinett 7319835

Arstide tuba 7319822


ITK registratuur  6661900

Arstide tuba 6207167

Sekretär 6207497



Arstide tuba

kell 8-16 53229006



Nexplanon Safety Label update and new insertion site

Vaata eestikeelsete subtiitritega juhiseid Nexplanoni paigaldusest ja eemaldusest siit:


We have a new Product Information that stresses on the new insertion site and contains for the first time ever a link to insertion and removal videos ( The videos are spoken in English but there are Estonian subtitles included.  We have reached out to all Estonian Gyn/Obs, General Practitioners and Pharmacies  with a “Dear Health Care Professional Letter” on this new Nexplanon Product Information.


The new implant insertion site is defined more on relation to the sulcus that lies between the triceps and biceps muscles. The site is 8-10 cm from the medial epicondyle of humerus AND 3-5 cm posterior to the sulcus on the triceps muscle. This is to avoid the possibility to disturb the big nerves and vessels that lie in the sulcus. Also one should puncture the skin with the tip of the needle less than 30 degrees and insert the needle until the bevel is just under the skin and NO further. Then one should lower the applicator to a horizontal position and LIFT the skin to make sure it will be inserted subdermally. And make sure that the needle is inserted to its full length.